Children's Resource Connection was formed to provide a single entry point for TA Waiver referrals and inquiries at the request of KDADS and agreed upon by the TA Waiver MATLOC Eligibility Specialists (MES). The majority of the TA assessors have worked with this population of children for many years, even before KanCare was implemented in 2013. They are well aware of the needs and issues associated with technology dependent children. 

Annette Weakley is the TA Waiver Referral and Eligibility Coordinator for CRC. She has worked with the TA Waiver since late 2004 working for TA Waiver case managers in different administrative capacities, and now the TA eligibility assessors under KanCare. If a referral does not have any TA Waiver technology in place, information will be provided for other possible State services and/or community providers that might be of assistance.

Please contact Annette for any questions, concerns, or referrals.  

Children's Resource Connection
316-721-1945 office
316-773-2532 fax